Vaskovsky Template Library

VTL — is a JavaScript framework, a set of HTML templates and CSS styles for web application development.


JavaScript framework:

<script src="" integrity="sha256-7b8Uk3x9mi5yYKH9bziNPBDAHPVSlFBg2MEcQMrt72Y=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>

CSS style sheet:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha256-JMYd6afNl2pWDPM6O8BTMKfUmmCFRLUwBoOEb9l+IZM=" crossorigin="anonymous"/>

or the same style sheet, including questionable changes to the styles of standard elements:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha256-dWpSUeALg0wB0rI+aJIVj3QOwW3QAcdf9wrFc8xwlTc=" crossorigin="anonymous"/>

or a minimum set of styles for simple text documents:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="" integrity="sha256-miEllZMJzViFQoHLS4OFiASj76EM6OYcD5yOA9g4g40=" crossorigin="anonymous"/>

© 2015-2021 Alexey Vaskovsky. Released under the MIT license